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I'm New To...Cookies!

Welcome!  Looking for everything you need to start your cookie-making empire?  Well, look no further!  Let’s take a look at some of the must-have items you’ll want to grab to put you on the right path to baking stardom.

NEED to have:

Precision Rolling Pin

The Cookie Countess Precision Rolling Pin comes in three sizes (1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8”) to make your prep process a breeze.  Made in the USA from birch wood, the extra wide barrel (25.5” from tip to tip, with a 16” rolling surface) takes the guesswork out of your process and allows you to roll your dough to the exact same thickness every time.  

Cookie Cutters

Buying cutters can become an addiction, as many cookiers can attest!  With a huge assortment of cutters available, it can seem irresistible to buy them all, but some great basic plaque cookie cutters can be a staple in every cookie set you make and save you from buying a cutter you’ll only use one time.

Mesh Baking Mats

Line your baking sheets with these mats to achieve professional-looking cookies every time.  These mats help your cookies bake more evenly and reduce the amount of spread you may normally see from your cookie recipe.  

Extra Wide Cookie Lifter

Easily lift and move dough cutouts from counter to cookie sheets, and baked cookies from cookie sheets to cooling racks.  The extra large spatula surface will allow you to move even large cookies safely.

Measure Up

Quality measuring cups and spoons: every baker needs a set.

Flavorings & Emulsions

Take your basic sugar cookie recipe to the next level by adding an emulsion (our favorite is the Butter Vanilla).  Unlike extracts, emulsions don’t contain any alcohol, so the flavors don’t “bake off” as much in the oven.  Who doesn’t like a little more bang for their buck? 

NICE to have:

Cookie Flattening Tool

Do your cookies occasionally come out of the oven looking like they’ve got the mumps? Use this flattening tool on still-hot cookies to gently even them out. Can also be used on fondant, marzipan, etc.

Extra Fine Hand Grater

Do your square cookies come out looking a little…less than square? Pro tip: use a hand grater on cooled cookies to get straight edges in a snap.

Cocoa Powder

If you plan to make chocolate cookies, you can’t go wrong with Genie’s Dream Ultra Dark Cocoa Powder No. 3.  Get the rich flavor of brownies without the bitter taste usually associated with dark chocolate.

Silicone Counter Cover

This oversized silicone mat (36”x22”!!!) is fantastic for rolling out your dough and protecting your counter.

Previous article How to Make Homemade Marshmallow Fondant

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