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February Cookie Countess Cutter Club

February Cookie Countess Cutter Club

Coming Soon!!!

Welcome to the January Cutter Club subscription box! If it is your first month - welcome! If it's your second or third or fourth - welcome back!! 

For this month I was inspired by an early snowstorm here in Rhode Island and wanted to create a set that would feel like a cozy snow day. Here in the Northeast as a kid, nothing was better than waking up and your mom telling you school was cancelled! Snow Day!! Best day ever! During the pandemic when schools had to create remote school protocols, some districts moved snow days to remote days :( Where is the fun in that? Gladly that trend seems to have ended. Everyone needs a break once in a awhile. :) 

This set is a good balance of simple and more time consuming designs. It's good to remind ourselves that not every cookie design needs to have a million steps. The snow angel cookie is definitely the "easiest" in this set, and I think my favorite. When I look at it I can feel 6 year old me in my snowsuit falling back into the snow and waving my arms and legs back and forth, and squinting up at the bright Winter sun. 🤍

If you have been a subscriber since the first box, the cozy boots and scarf would be a great addition to this set! The mugs and tic-tac-toe cutters from last month would be fun too if you replaced the hearts and Xs & Os with snowflakes. 

Be sure to check out the downloads available below for the cookie cutters graphics. You can use these for your projector if you have one, or as transfers or to trace. 

I hope you have fun creating this set of cookies! I would love to see pics of what make! You can add a pic and a review on the cutter club product page
And thanks for being a part of the Cutter Club! 

I made a piping consistency and flood consistency for the 2 blues and cream. For the white and tan I did a single 15 second consistency. If you are comfortable cutting and piping/flooding with tipless bags, go for it! If you prefer tips I would recommend a #1 or #1.5 tip for details and outlines, and a #2 for flooding.

Below you will find step by step instructions for our first 3 cookies. Followed by a videos for the 4th and 5th. So you're getting a bonus video this month! Woo Hoo!  This is of course only if you want to replicate these cookies exactly. Feel free to have fun! Use different colors, or different techniques. Let your creativity shine if you want! 

And remember that you can also use these same cutters for different occasions or in different ways... For example, the Mittens holding the latte could also be a mug of hot chcolate and you could pipe marshmallos on top.. A cookie "flip" is a great way to get the most from your cutters. 

Let's get started!

1. Snow Hats

2. Candle

3. Snow Day

4. Snow Angel

5.Mittens Holding Mug

For the video tutorial this month I decided to make the Mittens Holding a Mug cookie. It's not a terribly complicated cookie, but there are a number of steps and some needed drying time between those steps, so plan accordingly. 

In the video you will see how I did the knit pattern for the mittens (you can use the same technique on the hats). You can also make up your own design! Remember, your creativity is what brings your cookies to life! 
Once again, thank you so much for being part of our Cutter Club! I hope you have as much fun making these Snow Day cookies as I did! I will link all the products I used in this set below, in case you find you need to do some shopping.  

This month's coupon is 15% off packaging - this includes, bags, boxes and toppers or backers. We just got in some super cute new double-sided, food safe, cookie backers that you will love! 

 If you have any questions or comments you can feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear what you think of this month's box! 
xo Hillary
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