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cookie countess office parody

The Cookie Countess at CookieCon! The Office parody and keynote speech

At this September's CookieCon in Orlando, FL I had the privilege of delivering the keynote speech at opening night. It was such an honor to be asked, and especially meaningful as this year is also the 10 year anniversary of The Cookie Countess.  

Cover of CookieCon program.
Picture of Hillary Ramos as keynote speaker for CookieCon.

"You miss 100% of the cookies you don't make."

Hillary Ramos

I was definitely a little nervous in the weeks leading up to CookieCon. And especially once I saw how big the room was and how many people were going to be there! Yikes! But I was so grateful that mu husband and son were there to support me. And in true cookier fashion, I received messages and words of support and excitement from friends, family and attendees. 

The Cookie Countess: Office

Because our experience in the cookie world is not typical to most cookiers , we thought it would be fun to give everyone a glimpse at what life is like behind the scenes at The Cookie Countess office. But we decided to have some fun with it and do it “Office” style. ;) 

And then I got a little more serious...

For the second half of my keynote, I wanted to share a little on the history of how The Cookie Countess came to be. And I wanted to offer a few lessons/pieces of advice from what I have learned along the way. 
If you are a cookier and  haven't been to CookieCon before, or heard about it, I highly recommend you check it out! It's a wonderful weekend long convention that is all about learning and sharing knowledge about decorated cookies, as well as connecting with others in the community. This is definitely my favorite part! Meeting customers, other industry professionals, and the occasional dog,  is such a treat for those of us that “exist” mostly online. There are also fun events like the Friday night mixers that give you a chance to meet other attendees and sponsors - like Creative Cookier and Cookie Better. 
CookieCon Mixer Creative Cookier
CookieCon mixer Cookie Better
We were thrilled to talk to so many attendees after opening night that told us how much they loved The Office parody!! Even people that had never watched The Office! Should we make this a regular thing?? 🤔 

CookieCon is such an amazing event, put together with such thoughtfulness and care by the organizers Mike & Karen Summers. They hold it in a different location every year, and the next one in September 2024 is going to be in Austin, TX! Will we see you there? We can't wait! 
Previous article How to Decorate a Spooky Graveyard Cookie with Airbrush and Royal Icing
Next article How to Decorate Butterfly Cookie Sticks

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